The 3SSENTIAL Kit is a simplified (BLACK LINE) kit with a selection of all the composite instruments needed to model composites in anteriors and posteriors according to our approach. Just 3 instruments for all! The HU-Friedy company realized our collection making it possible for everybody to use our procedures worldwide. Lately (may 2020) we introduced a brand new instrument, the Calibra which is a unique innovative tool.
(For the ones interested, HU-Friedy code for the kit: RESTOREITDIN)

After having created the palatal, incisal and interproximal wall, we place the dentinal shade and check/remove excesses with Calibra IN.

Detail of Calibra IN. Space is left for incisal translucencies.

On the left: before Calibra IN, on the right: after.

Calibra out is placed to check the space left (like a sagittal silicone index).

The Calibra Out concept.

You can use Anterior tip 2 to define internal anatomy.

Last check for space for translucent material.

Translucent shade (enamel) application.

Using Calibra OUT to remove enamel eccesses.

Final aspect after finishing and polishing.

Anterior, tip #1

It allows you to apply composite…

… to model and spread composite like a brush. We like to call it the “solid brush”…

… to model composite in Class V restorations…

Anterior, tip #2
Used to define mamelons in dentin body

Posterior, tip #1

To sculpt and model composite in additive and subtractive modeling techniques.

Posterior, tip #2

To plug composite into the cavity…

… for the centripetal build-up technique (building interproximal wall to move from a class II to a class I).

Spatula, tip #1 & #2

Thin and cutting, a spatula to take composite, to apply it, in anteriors, in posteriors (to model in class II during the centripetal build-up technique.